Health Conditions

Cancer, back problems, depression or other mental issues; addiction to prescription drugs or illegal substances - your favorite celebrities are having the same problems you do - read all about it…

How to spot Migraine Symptoms


A migraine is more than just a headache. A migraine is often accompanied by a number of different symptoms and it can be quite debilitating and really impact upon the migraine sufferer’s quality of life.

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What is Q fever?


The ‘Q’ in Q fever stands for ‘query’. This is because when this bacterial infection was first indentified, its cause was unknown. The cause is now understood but the name has remained the same. Q fever is spread to humans through animals

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What is Gender Dysphoria?


Gender dysphoria, also known as transgenderism or gender identity disorder, is a condition whereby the affected individual feels like he or she is trapped within a body of the wrong sex.

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Kate Middleton jailed just days before becoming a princess


‘Queen chokes to death in drunken speed eating contest during 108th sticky bun’; ‘Celebrity spotted exhibiting talent’, ‘Lady Gaga wears bikini made of egg white’ or ‘Gaga admits “I’m really not that talented”, these are the headlines we’re really gagging for.

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Munchausen’s Syndrome


Munchausen’s Syndrome is a psychological illness, whereby the sufferer makes up stories about being ill and sometimes even induces symptoms on themselves.

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Facebook and the rise of narcissism


From the words in the bible to the works of Salvador Dali, Narcissism has been a blight on individuals and society since the dawn of man. Narcissism is a mental disorder often caused by lack of attention when young, or a belief that the individual is more important then they actually are.

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Do I have concussion?


Concussion is the momentary loss of mental function as a result of an injury to the brain following a blow to the head. In some cases, the sufferer does not lose consciousness.

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What is cerebral palsy?


Cerebral palsy is defined by a number of neurological conditions, which usually develop in the brain of a baby when it is either very young, newly born or still in the womb.

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Gael Garcia Bernal welcomes baby girl


Mexican actor and director Gael Garcia Bernal and his Argentinian girlfriend Dolores Fonzi have become parents to their second child, a sister for their two-year-old son.

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Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)


Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are a range of developmental disorders that become apparent in childhood and persist in adulthood.

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