Prince William and Kate Middleton under pressure to have a baby

Published: December 04, 2020

Just a few short weeks since Prince William and his sweetheart Kate Middleton formally announced their engagement to an adoring public, some media outlets are today that writing that the couple could have their first child as early as this time next year.

The speculation has arisen after comments form sources close to the royals revealed that The Queen and William’s father, Prince Charles have placed large responsibility to deliver them an heir to the throne as soon as possible.

Some sites claim that a royal wedding and baby would lift the nation out of the gloom it currently lives under courtesy of growing unemployment, recession and social unrest over immigration policies.

‘They’re planning to try for a baby as soon as they’ve married,’ a source told British magazine, Now.

‘They’re determined to make the Queen’s dream come true and they know it’s up to them to make the Royal Family cool again.

‘They hope the wedding and a baby will lift the spirit of Britain.’

How a baby and wedding would make the royal family ‘cool’ remains to be seen but it will certainly give the media plenty of points of interest and merchandisers will undoubtedly be preparing royal wedding collectable mugs, plates, t-shirts, toy taxis, coins and the obligatory union jack hat with crass royal wedding photo glued to the front.

Do you think it’s too early in their relationship to discuss babies?  Or should they make their families happy and deliver an heir?  Let us know by leaving a comment.

Read our previous articles on Prince William and Kate Middleton and a prominent Bishop who trivialised their wedding.


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Published December 04, 2020 by in Celebrities
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3 Responses to “Prince William and Kate Middleton under pressure to have a baby”

  1. kate

    26. Apr, 2011

    I think the British taxpayer already has enough to deal with

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  2. carmen

    03. Feb, 2011

    I think they’ve got plenty of time to have a baby

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  3. jodie

    31. Dec, 2010

    Yes I think they should have a baby

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