Josie Gibson embarks on a strict fitness regimen

Published: September 28, 2020

Josie Gibson, who won over the viewers of Big Brother with her down-to-earth attitude and emerged as the winner has become a fitness freak. According to, the reality star has had the help of two personal trainers to get her into shape. Josie Gibson won the 11th and final series of Big Brother.

The blonde’s bggest motivation has been to drop a few dress sizes to fit in with the celebrity scene, although she has no desire to be a miniscule size zero. She said, “I couldn’t be one of those size zero women. It wouldn’t suit me. I’d like to be a comfortable 12. But not any smaller. You see all these stars and they lose all that weight and it just doesn’t suit them. Take Natalie Cassidy, I think she looks better when she’s got all her curves.”

She went on to mention that she believes in being comfortable in one’s own skin: “You’ve got to be the size you are comfortable with and I am a womanly woman. I am a little bit insecure about it.”

As reported by, she also admits that her strict diet and fitness program would help her impress her boyfriend John James. His response: “I couldn’t care less what Josie weighs. I love her just the way she is. It’s up to her completely.”

Unreality TV has announced that the couple have revealed that if they decide to get married, they will havea quick ceremony in Las Vegas.

Read here about TV reality star Kelly Osbourne and how she has slimmed down and also about the new shocker of a reality show called Bridalplasty.



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Published September 28, 2020 by in Celebrities
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3 Responses to “Josie Gibson embarks on a strict fitness regimen”

  1. Pam

    04. Oct, 2010

    did i see Josie Gibson in Protarus, Cyprus on 28th September 2010??

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