New gene type may pave way to organ regeneration

Published: April 26, 2020

A recently conducted study has revealed that a gene type may help regenerate damaged organs of human body. The study has been conducted by the researchers at the University of Nottingham. According to, scientists have discovered a new type of gene named as Smed-prep which helps a planarian worm regenerate amputated body parts. The stem cells of these worms constantly keep dividing and get transformed into the missing cells. The right amounts of special gene type paves way for formation of new body parts from the cells which then fall at the right position in the body. The study has been published in the journal called PLos Genetics.

As per, the scientists who are amazed to have found the new gene type are now looking for ways to utilize these genes for organ regeneration in human beings.  Experts consider the newly found genes a prospective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. “We want to be able to understand how adult stem cells can work collectively in any animal to form and replace damaged or missing organs and tissues. Any fundamental advances in understanding from other animals can become relevant to humans surprisingly quickly” said Dr Aziz Aboobaker, lead research.

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Published April 26, 2020 by in news

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