Jesse Ventura for vice president, conspiracy theory or truth?

Published: April 05, 2020

The rise of conspiracy theorism’s popularity has coincided with the popularity of the internet and its easy information sharing properties. Certain figures are making a sizeable living by profiting on the gullibility of particular social groups who are generally drop-outs, social misfits or suffer with mental health issues.

Leading the pack are figures like Alex Jones and his celebrity buddy Jesse (the body) Ventura. Ventura is the all-American hero, a combat vet who served in Vietnam with the US Navy Seals and who bears his patriotism like a burning flag above his head as his war cry cuts through the cacophony of the battlefield.

Well, that’s what he’d have you believe at least.

The truth about Ventura is a little less exciting or dramatic. He joined the Navy Seals reserves but never actually saw combat at all. Some say he’s a pathological liar but he’s actually more of a hawker; a seller of himself for the public attention and dollars it brings him.

He is first and foremost an entertainer of sorts. After a career as a ‘professional wrestler’ he starred in the Schwarzenegger classic Predator and since then has been plugging his TruTV show Conspiracy Theory.

The research for his show is full of holes and when Ventura is challenged on specific details he falls apart – without exception. Backed by shameless self-promoter Alex Jones, who laughably refers to Ventura as ‘governor’ after his four year political stint as the 38th Governor of Minnesota between 1999 and 2003, he plunders through a minefield of political wrangles with as much subtlety and intellect as a raging dervish in a paper cup, wearing pointy gloves and carrying scissors.

Jesse Ventura fits the classic bully profile; talk loud, puff the chest out, wave fingers and prod people in the chest to make a point, but when challenged and faced with absolute fact he shrinks and deviates to avoid humiliation.

His latest headline stealing ploy is the idea of running for vice president if Ron Paul runs for president as an independent, while selling his book which I’m not going to plug for him. Needless to say the asinine content is as laughable as the purported writer’s resume.

All of this is of course a huge source of delight for the conspiracy theorists out there; at last a voice of reason will stand up for what they believe in and change the world.

Except we know that won’t happen.

If they believe that the US government could kill its own people en masse as they claim was the case with the 9/11 scenario, then what’s to stop huge corporations - who have already infiltrated government - getting rid of one or two men who might damage their vested interests? Ventura and Paul will fold as quickly as every previous president when faced with a pay off or a death threat.

The trouble with conspiracy theories and their believers is that they’re nothing more than a form of entertainment designed to divert attention away from the real issues. Once people become involved with conspiracies they start to believe even more radical and extreme nonsense. Most theorists would be mortified if they found out the conspiracies were true and exposed to the world because their purpose in life – of being a shelf stacker at Walmart by day but a world saving truth seeker by night - would be smashed instantly. They’d have nothing to hold onto until the next big conspiracy came along.

And there it is; the fact that the internet playground empowers the powerless to talk but not act. Conspiracy forums are full of people preaching to the converted and insulting dissenters, but never actually doing anything about it.

Actions always speak louder than words.

Having Ventura in office would be the biggest anti-climax ever for the people who so desperately want to see him there. It would also undoubtedly pave the way for hacks like Alex Jones to get a foot in the political door which would be nothing short of disastrous.

The bottom line is that these days almost anything can be made believable, but the truth is harder to actually pinpoint. Searching by Google and YouTube is hardly the most professional way to find facts and the mistake most conspiracy theorists make is accepting the word of the people who shout loudest and not digging deep enough for themselves.

Please share your thoughts on Jesse Ventura running for VP or his Conspiracy Theory show by leaving a comment.

Read about his discovery of a plot to put uranium in our drinking water; the rise of FEMA; Bohemian Grove; return to Bohemian Grove and the TSA airport fiasco.


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Published April 05, 2020 by in Celebrities
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9 Responses to “Jesse Ventura for vice president, conspiracy theory or truth?”

  1. [...] the Government Doesn't Want You to Read, explains the documents in his book and …Jesse Ventura for vice president, conspiracy theory or truth?Celebrities With [...]

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  2. Stanley

    05. Apr, 2011

    Wow! Talk about attacking the messenger!

    I didn’t read 1 single rebuttal to any of the “conspiracy theories” Mr Ventura speaks on.

    What a narrow minded fool you are!

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  3. griff

    05. Apr, 2011

    Right on the money! All of these conspiracists, and I include Paul, rail about their pet issue(s) and make a bundle off the lost and disaffected without any prognostications coming true.

    Jones is becoming the grandmaster of this perverse business, regardless of how many “predictions” fall flat or lacking in fact or substance his arguments are. The man has been predicting the collapse of the US and the world for decades and somehow his fans keep coming back for more.

    And Stanley, there’s narrow-minded and there’s ignoring ludicrous theories. We choose to ignore ludicrous ideas. But, by all means, enjoy the swamp

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  4. Stanley

    05. Apr, 2011

    A theory isn’t ludicrous when it’s backed up with evidence. Try something called research for once in your life. Or choose to remain blind. Enjoy your new home in the camp that awaits you upon society’s imminent collapse griff.

    Public school did you NO favors. That’s not a theory!

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    • StanLOL

      06. Apr, 2011

      Hate to break it to you Stan but if something is backed by evidence it’s called a ‘fact’ not a ‘theory’.

      Also when society collapses you’ll be in the camp too because guess what… Martial law isn’t choosy. Or did you think you were exempt because you’re a Jesse Ventura fan?

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  5. Justin

    05. Apr, 2011

    And three buildings happen to fall at free fall speed and one was even hit, that sounds like a conspiracy theory. And the Federal Reserve is owned by the US government, hahaha what fools you people our.

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  6. Leslie Davis

    06. Apr, 2011

    Jesse Ventura

    truTV – Conspiracy Theories
    Starring America’s biggest liar and conspirator
    Jesse “James Janos” Ventura
    (even his name is fake)
    ”Always Cheat – The Philosophy of Jesse Ventura”
    by Leslie Davis, Author and Activist
    Call or write for a complimentary book - 612/529-5253

    Most of the truTV conspiracy information is nothing new.
    We reported the World Trade Center Building 7 demolition
    for the insurance money on our TV show more than a year ago.
    Call for our free WTC 7 video – 612/529-5253
    Ventura intros his truTV show by lying about being a Navy SEAL.
    He wasn’t a SEAL and the photo of him on truTV is from the movie Predator.

    Facts you should know about Jesse Ventura

    - Ventura lied about being a Navy SEAL on active duty. He joined the SEAL Reserves after active duty. (Page 102).
    - He lied about being in Vietnam. He told Dennis Anderson of the Minneapolis Star Tribune that “you haven’t hunted until you’ve hunted man”. Ventura was never in combat and he never hunted man.
    - Bribed a candidate on July 17, 2020 so he could run unopposed in the Reform Party and keep his radio show. Call for free video of the actual bribe.
    - Bribed Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner to fix the 1998 bribe by giving a job to her boyfriend, John Wodele, as his Communications Director.
    - Told single moms that they were on their own if they tried to get help.
    - Told University of Minnesota students to “win if you can, lose if you must, but Always Cheat”.
    - Insulted people who were religious or mentally ill.
    - Killed caged birds at a game farm with Maria Shriver and Charlie Weaver.
    - Endorsed “torture” of people at Highway 55 when 600-law enforcement (the largest police action in Minnesota history) arrested peaceful protesters trying to prevent demolition of homes for a road. Many protesters were handcuffed behind their backs and pepper sprayed in their eyes. (Page 4).
    - Ventura took government money to go to school in Hennepin County and later told students that if they were smart enough to go to college they should be able to figure out how to pay for it.


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  7. peter anderson

    06. Apr, 2011

    I think the Conspiracy is very real and so does millions of others.

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  8. Hey Piers, CNN, et al., - re: 9-11 Conspiracy and Jesse Ventura.:
    Please watch my hour-long TV show tonight, Weds. Apr 6 @ 10 PM Pac. (or now or anytime ON DEMAND world-wide at, Click on Program Schedule; click on Apr 6, 10 PM to ‘VIEW’ my ‘All-ways Pursuing Truth’ show for the third week (conclusion of a new documentary on 9-11, called “In the Shadows - the Core of Corruption” + 2 ‘side features’ on 9-11.
    Since you, Piers, and your gut tell you what is truth, please use your innate talents to discredit my show and this 2.5 hour documentary feature - which can be resurrected at March 30 and 23rd. (Parts 1 & 2)
    My show is a one-man production on a next-to-zero budget hat probably squeezes out more truth in an hour than CNN produces in a day!
    Also, watch me at Thurs 5 & 10 PM for my ‘Truth v. NEW$ Inc.’ live discussion show. ‘an irreverent bi-polar view of the news’
    I look forward to your erudite analysis of the 9-11 evidence presented tonight on All-ways Pursuing Truth’

    (My web-site is not current)

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