Lip service for Christina Aguilera

Published: September 30, 2020

Once upon a time body piercing was considered outlandish in the mainstream, a life choice that was reserved for only the most extreme or alternative individuals. Nowadays piercings are a common sight and more widely accepted as “the norm”.

Self-styled “naughty girl” pop princess Christina Aguilera, whose hits include “Genie in a bottle”, “What a girl wants” and “Beautiful” is a proud exponent of the body piercing and tattoo culture and to date has had a total of eleven jewels pinned through her skin. With three “secret” sparkly diamond studs that only her boyfriends and doctors know about, five in her ears and one placed in her nose, nipple and lip, one could almost say she an addiction to it.

Generally body piercing is a safe practise but there are problems that can arise if the right care isn’t taken.

Badly placed studs can cause infection by rubbing against the teeth while talking or eating, which wears away the enamel. In cases where the enamel is only slightly chipped a filling can fix the problem but in deeper fractures a root canal procedure or even removal of the tooth is needed.

The tongue is a hotbed of bacteria and by piercing it there is a chance that some of the bacteria can enter the blood stream and pass through the heart, possibly leading to serious haematological disorders. The same can happen with gum erosion which can also be caused by studs being put in the wrong place and over time wearing away at the soft tissue in the mouth.

Always do a little research on any potential studios before having a piercing to make sure they meet the right standards as it’s important to make sure that a professional carries out the piercing and that their equipment is clean and sterile, otherwise there is a high risk of infection or worse still potentially deadly illnesses like HIV and Hepatitis.

Be sure to seek advice from a dentist before having an oral piercing and ask them about any preparations you might need to make so that you have no problems.

Click here to read about how Christina Aguilera has piled on the pounds in recent months.


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Published September 30, 2020 by in Celebrities
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